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Following Too Closely / Tailgating Tickets in NY

In the dense traffic environment of New York City, maintaining a safe distance between vehicles is crucial to avoid collisions. However, tailgating or "following too close" is a common infraction, regulated under NY violation code VTL 1129(a). This code emphasizes the importance of ensuring a safe following distance, and violators can be met with fines, points on their license, and potential insurance repercussions.

When faced with such a ticket, many NYC motorists seek the expertise of James Medows, a seasoned traffic ticket lawyer. With a thorough understanding of VTL 1129(a) and the intricacies of NYC's traffic regulations, Medows offers robust representation and guidance to those accused of tailgating. His dedication and knowledge provide a lifeline for drivers navigating the complexities of the city's stringent traffic courts.

How do you normally get a Following Too Closely / Tailgating ticket?

A "Following Too Closely" or "Tailgating" ticket is issued to drivers who do not maintain a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of them. Here's how a driver typically incurs such a violation:

  • Insufficient Reaction Time: One primary reason for maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle ahead is to ensure ample reaction time. If you're too close, and the leading vehicle suddenly brakes, you may not have enough time to stop and prevent a collision.
  • Unsafe Road Conditions: In conditions like rain, snow, ice, or fog, stopping distances can increase significantly. If you're tailgating in such conditions, a law enforcement officer might determine you're especially at risk of a collision.
  • Consistent Close Distance: If an officer observes that you're consistently driving very close to the car in front of you over a certain distance or time period, they might conclude you're tailgating.
  • Aggressive Driving: Tailgating can sometimes be seen as an aggressive driving behavior, especially if combined with other actions such as honking, flashing headlights, or making aggressive gestures.
  • Accidents: If you're involved in a rear-end collision, one of the first considerations an officer will assess is whether you were following too closely. Even if other factors contributed to the accident, you might still receive a ticket for tailgating.
  • Specific Laws or Guidelines: Some jurisdictions have specific guidelines for following distances, often based on speed. For example, many places advise a 3-second following distance under normal conditions. If an officer believes you're not adhering to these guidelines, you might get a ticket.

It's essential to always maintain a safe following distance, considering your speed, road conditions, and the behavior of other drivers. If an officer deems you're not doing so, they can issue a "Following Too Closely" ticket.

Is it worth it to challenge a following too closely / tailgating ticket?

Whether or not it's worth challenging a "Following Too Closely" or "Tailgating" ticket largely depends on the specific circumstances and potential consequences. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

  • Evidence and Circumstances: If you believe you maintained a safe distance and have evidence to support this, such as dashcam footage or eyewitnesses, it might be worth challenging the ticket.
  • Penalties and Consequences: Such tickets often come with fines, points on your driving record, and potential insurance rate increases. If the penalties are particularly high, it may be worth the effort to contest the ticket.
  • Driving Record: If you have a clean driving record, you might be more inclined to challenge the ticket, especially if the violation would result in substantial repercussions.
  • Legal Representation: Consulting with a traffic attorney, like James Medows in NYC or another experienced lawyer in your area, can provide insights into the likelihood of successfully challenging the ticket based on local traffic court practices.
  • Court Costs and Time: Contesting a ticket might involve court fees, the potential cost of legal representation, and time off work for a court appearance. Weigh these costs against the penalties of the ticket and any long-term costs, such as increased insurance premiums.
  • Chance of Reduction: Even if you don't get the ticket dismissed entirely, appearing in court or negotiating with the prosecuting attorney might result in a reduction in fines or a change to a less severe violation.
  • Local Traffic Court Trends: Some jurisdictions or specific judges might be more lenient or willing to reduce penalties for first-time offenders or if a driver agrees to attend a defensive driving course.
  • Personal Convictions: For some people, the principle of the matter is significant. If you genuinely believe you were wrongly ticketed, you might decide to challenge the ticket regardless of the potential outcome.

In conclusion, deciding to challenge a "Following Too Closely" ticket should be based on an evaluation of the potential benefits versus the costs and inconveniences. If in doubt, consulting with a traffic attorney can provide clarity and guidance on the best course of action.