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New York State Traffic Courts and Criminal Courts Attorney Near Me

New York State: As vast as it is diverse, New York State's roadways can present various challenges, and sometimes that means a dreaded traffic ticket. However, before hastily admitting guilt or paying off a fine, it's essential to grasp the potential long-term consequences. In such critical moments, James Medows stands out as the foremost authority among New York State traffic ticket attorneys, ready to assist you.

Traffic Tickets in New York State: Beyond Immediate Consequences

A New York State traffic ticket does more than momentarily dent your wallet:

  • Skyrocketing Insurance Premiums: Beyond the ticket's upfront cost, there's the often-overlooked future expense: rising car insurance rates that can weigh heavy on your monthly budget.
  • Persistent License Points: Those demerit points accrued from traffic violations aren’t a fleeting inconvenience. They stick to your record, sometimes for years, ever threatening your freedom to drive.
  • Mandatory Defensive Driving Classes: While they might seem like a straightforward solution, these courses demand both your time and sometimes additional fees.
  • The Extended Impact: Your individual driving record doesn't just affect you. The implications can ripple outwards, potentially elevating insurance rates for your entire family.

Why James Medows is the Choice Near New York State

Amid the expansive landscape of New York State, James Medows differentiates himself through:

  • In-depth Statewide Knowledge: James isn't just proficient in one locality. He's versed in the intricacies of New York State's diverse traffic regulations, offering a broad-based advantage to his clients.
  • Customized Defense Strategies: Recognizing that no two tickets are identical, James crafts bespoke defense approaches for every case, ensuring optimal outcomes.
  • Relentless Advocacy: A traffic ticket doesn't equate to guilt. James remains steadfast in defending your rights, every step of the way.
  • Transparent Counsel: In a realm as multifaceted as traffic law, James ensures you remain informed and empowered, eliminating any guesswork.

In New York State, A Traffic Ticket Needn't Spell Perennial Trouble

A solitary traffic ticket shouldn’t determine your driving fate. With the expertise of James Medows, New York State's premier traffic ticket attorney, you can confront and overcome such legal challenges.

Engage with James Medows Today

Confronted with a traffic ticket anywhere in New York State? Immediate action can make all the difference. Consult James Medows for a detailed assessment and steadfast legal representation. Together, let's steer your driving journey back on course.


The most popular traffic ticket violations in NY

Disclaimer: Please note that Attorney James Medows does not provide legal services for camera tickets, EZ Pass violations, parking infractions, or TLC violations.

If you're facing traffic violations in New York, it's important to understand the point system and the potential consequences of accumulating too many points on your license. Here are some examples of how different offenses can affect your points:

  • Speeding violations: In NY speeding violation can result in fines, points on your driver's license, and even jail time. The amount of the fine and the number of points you receive for speeding will depend on how fast you were going and where you were driving. If you are caught speeding, it is important to contact a traffic lawyer to discuss your options. It can carry a penalty of 3 to 11 points.
  • Cell Phone Violations: If you're caught using a cell phone or other electronic device while driving, whether it's for texting or calling, you'll receive five points on your license.
  • Reckless Driving: If you're convicted of reckless driving, you'll receive five points on your license. Other similar offenses, such as driving in the wrong direction or leaving the scene of an accident that causes property damage, carry a penalty of three points.
  • Careless Driving: Common offenses like following too closely, failing to maintain brakes, or not following traffic rules can result in four-point penalties. Even seemingly minor violations like failing to stop at a stop sign or improperly yielding the right of way can result in three points.
  • Disobey traffic device: Disobeying a traffic device in NY is a violation of Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1110. The fine for disobeying a traffic device in NY results in at-least 2 points.

Accumulating too many points on your license can have serious consequences, including increased insurance premiums and the possibility of being dropped as a high-risk driver. That's why it's important to work with an experienced traffic lawyer like James Medows, who can analyze your situation and develop a strategy to keep your point total within acceptable levels.